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Programs & Services

Mentoring Program We feel that a child’s social and emotional functioning predicts their level of success in life. This includes his ability to express himself and his needs to important others (adult authority figures) in a socially acceptable way, as well as detect and read the nonverbal cues of important others and follow along accordingly. Because children and adolescents affected by a mental illness struggle to communicate outside their symptoms, others view them in negative, hostile, and offensive ways. The mentoring program was designed to address this need. The goal of this program is to teach social and communication skills to males aged 7-21 who have been diagnosed with a disruptive behavior disorder (i.e. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Conduct Disorder) and mild forms of mental retardation. The objectives of this program are to: Provide general guidance to youth diagnosed with a disruptive behavior disorder (i.e. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Conduct Disorder) and mild forms of mental retardation. Promote personal and social responsibility among these youth. Increase social participation and responsibility of these youth in elementary and secondary education and enhance their ability to benefit from this schooling. Discourage the use of illegal drugs and firearms, involvement in violence, and other delinquent activity by youth. Discourage involvement of youth in gangs. Encourage participation in service and community activity by youth. Youth are matched with an adult male mentor based upon the following guidelines: •Mental health needs of the youth (DSM Axis I Diagnosis). •Interest of the youth. •Mentor availability. •Language requirements. •Preferences of the youth, his or her family, and the mentor.

The Kimble Cares Program The Kimble Cares Program was initiated to address the overwhelming and ever-growing number of adults raising the child(ren) of their extended family member due to the biological parent’s death, incarceration, mental illness, substance abuse and/or addiction, and/or termination of parental rights. These individuals are defined as grandparents, aunts, uncles, adult siblings, and distant relatives who have agreed to parent to avoid the child’s placement in foster care. Given its name from Mrs. Henrietta Kimble who raised her great-grandson until his sudden death of a heart attack at the age of ten, this program offers a once-a-week support group to help these adults manage the child’s emotional adjustment to the separation from his biological parent. Additionally, case management services are offered to connect parents with resources to help their child(ren).

The ADHD Tutoring Program The ADHD Tutoring clinic provides individualized, one-on-one, weekly, 2-hour tutoring sessions for children and adolescents diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and other disruptive behavior disorders. Provided by a state-certified educator, the purpose is to help these students attain a strong academic foundation as well as meet their current grade level expectations. Numerous additional support services are provided by the tutor at no extra charge. Please Note: These educational services are designed to complement, not duplicate, all school-based services a child is presently receiving and to result in his/her progress at a vastly accelerated rate! The fully-equipped, tutoring center has computer programs and Internet access (tutor supervised), whenever needed--to maximize learning and retention of information, assist in report writing and school assignments, and present learning from a variety of perspectives and styles. The first two-hour session is devoted to evaluative testing with written, detailed reports (pinpointing each child's strengths and weaknesses in the three major academic areas, along with a recommended tutoring program for each) provided to the parent within 7-10 business days. Weekly tutoring instruction focuses on one or several different subject areas (parental choice). Weekly assignments provide students with valuable reinforcement and practice opportunities, thus extending the benefits of tutoring and the learning process from one session to the next. Frequent communication and coordination of efforts take place with public and private school classroom teachers, as desired by the parent. The effectiveness of each student's individually tailored tutoring program is guaranteed!

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